And another too short weekend comes to a screeching halt.
Oh, this morning was tough. I kept trying to wake up but it was like working my way through a knot-hole. I kept drifting back to sleep, and not some light, sissy sleep, but a full on, deep, REM cycle sleep, complete with dreams in which I incorporate what they're talking about on NPR (which is what I wake up to every morning) into whatever strange subconscious tale my brain comes up with. This morning that included a discussion of the park system in Michigan complete with my friend Joan riding one of those old-fashioned bicycles with the big front wheel. And I'm supposed to wake up from this??? For what? What fun is the real world when you can enjoy lunacy like that!?
So, here I am, slogging through my day. It's rainy and stupid outside. I'd so much rather be home snuggling with my dog and cats, and reading the paper, drinking coffee, listening to music.
I semi-arranged my cd collection last week. They're all sitting nicely and I've tried to reunite cds with their respective jewel boxes, with varying degrees of success. I still have 2 stacks: one of empty jewel boxes and one of cds without jewel boxes. I'm not particularly organized with my music. I try, but I usually fail after a short while. I'm constantly shifting music around in my cd player, plus I have a cd player in my car, and I'm doing a lot of downloading onto my computer so my cds move around a lot. I'm lending them to folks at work, that sort of thing. So, to the naked eye my collection looks pretty put together but it's actually not. Soon, I must order these things, then all will be well, momentarily.
I brushed off a couple of my Elliott Smith cds and played them extensively this weekend. I've loved Elliott for years (before he had anything to do with that horrible Good Will Hunting movie. Yes, I hated that movie. You got a problem with that?), and I found him especially helpful to me when my dad died suddenly. His music is so personal and sad, it just fit my mood and in a strange way it made me feel better. When Elliott sings and plays, it's as if he's sitting right next to you. I put Elliott into the same category I'd put some older REM recordings, among others. I call it "music to have your period by." Not that I'm having my period this very second, but it's just that kind of music... And I mean that in a very complimentary way. But Elliott does have a mood so I'm not up to hearing him 24/7. Take the last line of Rose Parade: "When they clean the street I'll be the only shit that's left behind." Regardless, he is one of my favorites.
Ever since he died I've toyed with the idea of having a tattoo of something as a tribute to him. I really do love the guy that much. Maybe it's because we share the same birthday? Or that he has (had) Ferdinand the bull tattooed on his right arm and that's a favorite book of mine? Or that I find his music so utterly touching? Or that his sadness and trouble affect me so much? I don't know. The anniversary of Elliott's death is in 3 weeks. I would seriously do that, get a tattoo for him.
I definitely want another tattoo no matter what. I currently have a lizard on my lower left leg. I got that several years ago, almost 10 years ago; it had been a horrid year. My father died, and I'd had a really terrible year full of heartbreak. Getting a tattoo made me feel in charge, in control. And it was the weird pain/pleasure rush that you get from piercings and tattoos (I've had quite a few things pierced, though the only ones left are the holes in my earlobes). It's a total trip. I wanted a lizard because I love lizards, and I liked the idea of looking down and seeing one grasping onto my leg. And you know, I've never regretted getting it, not once. So, I'm going to give some serious thought to new tattoo.
A couple of the adoption center girls and I want to go do it together, but we all have different places we want to go, so as it is we haven't gone anywhere! I guess we'll draw straws.
I REALLY hope we pick Adam Bomb!
Well, my post has drifted away from Elliott so I figure that means it's time to sign off. He really was a great artist. He occupied my thoughts so much this weekend I felt I just had to say something about him. And really, who better to listen to on a gloomy, rainy day?
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