Friday, December 7, 2007

Bad to Better

Hola Amigos,

I was in a foul mood this morning. The worst. First off we got more snow, and the shovelling frankly isn't getting done the way I'd hoped. So there's that. Then I remembered that I was supposed to bring a dessert type thing to work, meaning that I'd have to go to the store beforehand because I forgot to bake. Then both of my birdfeeders were empty (I sort of obsess over that...I love feeding the birds). Then when I was getting birdseed I found the two 'giving tree' presents that I'd bought. Both were not wrapped, and both were due in today. My house is a mess, I had trouble finding anything to wear (I know the people are work with are getting so tired of my handful of outfits), and my knee hurts really bad.

Once I got in and hunkered down at my desk things started looking better. Funny how your mood can change like that.

I don't mean to dwell on it, but this leg thing is really starting to get to me. I really, really hope the doc (who I'm seeing today at 3:20) can give me some answers. I mean, I'm travelling to New York City in just over a month. NYC is not the place to be if you've got a gimpy leg (and you want to actually go somewhere without a cab). How am I supposed to navigate the subways? This has to be better by then, I'll be so sad if it isn't.

Maybe I'll try some swimming at the gym. I haven't been to the gym in weeks, it just hurts too much. And normally I sort of suffer in silence (except where this blog is concerned) but since I'm limping (and there's just no other way for me to walk) everyone notices, and asks, and then I have to tell them.

It's starting to make me feel weird and out of sorts. I'd be lying if I said the pain hasn't affected my mood, because it most certainly has. It's hard to concentrate when you've got pain you can't get away from.

Anyway, I'll stop complaining, I'm just frustrated. I'll be more frustrated if the visit with the doc doesn't go well, but that'll have to wait until another post.

I hope to God he doesn't tell me to do physical therapy. I HATE physical therapy. I had several rounds of therapy after I broke my leg. It was not fun at all. It didn't help that I had a complete a-hole as a therapist. He was unpleasant, and not in a rude, gruff way. Outwardly he was pleasant to people, but he was pompous and silly and spent most of his time talking with the other therapists in the room. I never once got the impression that he cared about me or my case at all. Very annoying. Plus they had a communal radio and he went on and on about how he hated national and local public radio and it was a waste of his tax dollars. First off, he wasn't even saying it to me (he rarely conversed with me) and secondly, what kind of jack off thing is that to say?

Yeah, I hated the guy. Actually, if I had a therapist like him now I'd switch. Back then I wasn't quite as vocal as I am now.

Well, this isn't the best post I've done, is it. I'm mostly just looking forward to going home and kicking back with my 4 legged gang. I'm out.

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