Today's been a good day so far. I've been having fun with my students (boss isn't here), getting stuff done. Oh, something funny. As I've mentioned many times, I love the band Fugazi. They're my favorite above all others. And I've always had a bit of a thing for the guys in the band. All of them. They're all very nice, vegetarians or vegans, environmentally conscious, intelligent, no drugs. And they're all, in their own quirky ways, terrific looking. Ian's got the cool, bald punk look I love. Guy has the swarthy, French-Italian look I love. Joe is smaller and quiet, and adorable. And Brendan is the drummer. 'Nuff said.
I found out today that Ian and his girlfriend Amy Farina (equally talented, they perform as The Evens; saw them last year and they were terrific) just had a baby. So now all members of the band are dads and essentially that means the 'hiatus' that Fugazi was on is pretty much a permanent thing. That's me talking, not them; for all I know they're planning on taking everyone on the road some day.
But, they probably won't, and I really miss what they all were together.
They're incredibly talented on their own, of course, and are still working and recording, just doing different things. So I have that. But Fugazi as a band? They cannot be beat.
Anyway, the boys have been on my mind lately. Here's a bit from a recent article in Milwaukee Magazine.
From the article “Rock of Ages” by Jon Gilbertson, described as follows: “We searched our memory banks, checked with experts and picked the greatest concerts in Milwaukee history. Let the arguments begin.”
They’ve listed 10 shows, including the Nirvana show at the Unicorn in 1990 (I wasn’t there), U2 at the Palms in 1981 (I wasn’t there either), Bruce Springsteen in 1975. That sort of thing.
And they included the following:
Fugazi: The Rave, November 12, 1998
The punk rock legends gave fans value for money (this show cost less than two beers at the venue’s bar) and go for broke power. “They were commanding the audience,” says Davey von Bohlen, whose band at the time, the Promise Ring, was an opening act. “The vibe was overwhelming.”
I was at that show. They're right. It was one of the best show experiences that I've ever had. Top 5 people, and I've seen The Police (in 1984) and The Pixies. They opened with one of my favorite Guy songs EVER.
It's a brilliant song:
You should pay rent in my mind
Say like the French say,
"Bon soir, regret;
A demain, a demain"
Do you like me?
I guess.
I love you boys, I really do. You all changed my life.

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