Monday, September 29, 2008

Catching Up!

Hey Amigos,

Sorry for the silence. The planets have not been aligned in such a way that is conducive to blogging, at least in my world.

I'm still losing, so in case you're wondering, that's all going quite well.

I slogged through a bunch of laundry yesterday. Some of it was pretty ugly (amazing how it just sort of leaves your mind after you toss it down the chute, you know?). I'm hoping to thin out my collection (some due to my weight loss, some due to just having too many clothes) and wanted to be sure it was clean prior to wearing/donating.

I stayed up WAY too late last night. I watched a very interesting movie yesterday, I'd dvr'd it from Turner Classic Movies. It was called Saturday Night and Sunday Morning and it starred the fabulous Albert Finney. Gawd, how I love those young Brits (Albert Finney, Michael Caine, David McCallum, Malcolm MacDowell). I love 'em older too, but I don't know if you could ever find anyone as charming as a young Albert Finney. It was an excellent movie. I also watched The Woman in the Window, a movie directed by Fritz Lang with Edward G. Robinson. Nothing quite like those old movies, I say. I really liked this one. It had Dan Duryea in it too, and I got to wondering, has he been in any movies where he wasn't a complete slimeball? I can think of 4 movies he was in right off the top of my head, and he was a scoundrel in every last one.

I was very sad to hear about Paul Newman. He did live to a ripe old age, but still, to see a legend pass is just a sad thing. I almost went to see him on Broadway. He was the narrator in a revival of Our Town. The tickets would have been close to $200, and Paul Newman or not that's just too much to pay. I told my sister, maybe if he performed the entire play while sitting in my lap I'd pay $200.

I miss New York. I know I was just there in January, but amigos, I didn't really have a very good time. It wasn't the city's fault. I was in so much pain it was hard to enjoy it. I think in retrospect I should have cancelled the trip, but I didn't know that at the time. I thought I was doing OK, but I realize now that I was truly in a bad way. I ended up icing my knee every night for hours, and I just couldn't walk the city like I'm accustomed to doing. I'm so incredibly happy I got my knee taken care of, and now I can't wait to get back there. Unfortunately my friends don't have plans to leave the country so I don't have much of a reason to go. And I don't have all that much money these days, so travelling would probably be a mistake anyway.

But I do miss that city. I love that city. I love everything about it, even the scary parts. I love mostly that you can do stuff alone and not feel alone.

Sorry I don't have anything too exciting or funny to tell you about. I realize with such a long gap between posts that this one should be a corker, but it ain't.

I'll make it up to you.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hello dear, while I'm insanely jealous of your determination and willpower in the weight loss I am EVER so HAPPY to hear you are doing so well!! Hooray for you!!;)
So you really love New York that much, hmmmmmmm.... will have to look into that. Would like to try some place different sometime to see instead of Florida, that gets a bit old. If I do you will have to fill me in on the sights sometime.;)