Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lost in cyberspace

I found out something today that made me very, very sad. I had received an email from Guy Picciotto of Fugazi last summer. He's the guy in the orange shirt in the video on the sidebar over there.

I had sent the band an email telling them about a mention in a local magazine that one of their shows ranked in the top 10 shows ever to go down in Milwaukee. I was at that show, and it's in my top 5. Anyway, Guy is the one who opened the email and he sent the nicest response back. Nothing long or drawn out, just 'thank you' and telling me how much he appreciated hearing it, and that it amazes him that there's still a following (I had to restrain myself from writing back to him and repeating I LOVE YOU ad nauseum...).

Well, somewhere within the last month or so, I deleted the email. Not on purpose of course, but it's nowhere to be found. I've tried and tried. It's just not there anymore. It's not completely out of the realm of things that happen, considering the fact that my email account tells me frequently in urgent messages that I'm running out of room (I haven't yet determined if it's true or if it's just yanking me) and I'll frantically get rid of stuff I don't need.

Well, somehow, that email got put in with the stuff I thought I didn't need, and now it's gone.

I don't know, I know it's not the end of the world. But it was a really nice note, and the guy (Guy) wrote Margin Walker for crying out loud...he wrote some of the most brilliant lyrics I've ever heard...and what did I do? I deleted his email.


I momentarily toyed with sending another email in the hopes that somehow I'd hear back again, but I think that would just be getting weird.

And I realize this is something that probably means nothing to anyone outside of me, so it's not like this email gave me bragging rights or anything.

It just meant a lot to me, and now it's gone.

On a different note, I get weighed in tonight. No idea where things are going to go. I had a weird week. Some weird binging episodes (rice cakes) and some extreme exercise, so I just don't know.

I do think I'm in need of some new pants again. Getting ready to drop down another size, amigos.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I hate that when that happens, losing a e-mail!! I don't know how it happens sometimes... really!! Oh, I know what happened once, my dear Grandson was playing at the computer and while I'm sure there was a chance he could delete stuff I don't know how he double deleted it!! So.. anyone out there that I meant to write back and never did my sincere apologies, I'm not usually that rude!! I can truly see where that e-mail meant a lot to you, I hope it falls from the skies... or something like that.;)