Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Done and done.

I actually did block him. It feels weird, so final. I feel bad in a way. I know it's the right thing to do, I just never thought it would come to this. I didn't bother saying anything to him about it, I just did it. The part of me that wanted to lay into him has quieted down significantly.

I'm really bummed about Heath Ledger. This was an actor I really liked in a big way. And I'd only seen 2 of his movies in their entirety. That would be Monster's Ball and Brokeback Mountain. But really, you don't need to see more than that to realize this guy was immensely talented. I remember thinking while watching Monster's Ball, "So THAT'S Heath Ledger. Now I understand what the fuss is about." Poor guy. And his poor baby. It's just so sad. I actually had an issue of Rolling Stone at my desk for months and months (a discard from our collection, one of the perks of working at a library) that had him on the cover. I just liked looking at him, it was a great picture, and the article was very nice too. So I have to admit, his death affected me quite deeply. At first I figured it was just a mistake. Now it just breaks my heart that he won't be performing anymore. Oh, just so sad.

I've just had a sad few days here. Leaving New York always makes me sad. My time in New York was rather sad because I was having such a hard time getting around. My knee feels worse these days, and that makes me sad. I had to come back to work and that makes me sad (and that IS sad). Jeff made me sad. And Heath Ledger made me really sad. He always kind of made me sad, he had such a melancholy way about him. Actually, his character in Brokeback just makes me cry in general, such a sad creature, such a sad life.

I'll be alright, of course. I've always had a tendency to be sad. Not all the time mind you, just that I'm so sensitive.

So, yeah, this is a bit of a downer here, isn't it...

On the upside, I'm going to the doctor on Friday, I just need some progress to happen and he seemed anxious to get me in there to look at my knee. I was getting discouraged but I feel more hopeful now.

Well, this post is going nowhere fast so I'll close it up before I really lose it.

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