Friday, January 25, 2008

Sorry Amigos

Hola Amigos,

I went through my last several posts and I realize that I had quite a pity party going. I have to apologize for that. The thing is, this is the only place where I vented about the events of the last few days. So I sort of went with that. But I'm done now. On to better things.

I had a consult with my orthopedic doctor. Have I told you about him? He's drop dead gorgeous. Tall, olive complexion, black hair, brown bedroom eyes, long lashes, great dresser, and probably several years younger than I am. Just hunky in every way, a real dish. The first time I saw him I was sort of taken aback by how handsome he was. It was just a surprise, you know? To see this gorgeous creature when what you're used to seeing is normal to not so gorgeous to downright homely creatures. (Note: I am referring to my doctors, not my friends, etc.; I find all of my friends to be lovely...I just don't have that many lovely doctors).

I joked with friends that at our initial meeting he'd given me all kinds of instructions but that I forgot them all because I was lost in his eyes. That's not true of course, but jeez he's easy to look at.

Anyway, we're opting for surgery. I'm actually very glad. I'm moving forward, you know? And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to that brief moment of twilight you get just as they're knocking you out.

The first time I went under general anesthesia was for my wisdom teeth. I was absolutely beside myself with fear and had been fretting over the surgery for weeks. But they started the IV (I had a MAJOR impaction, there was no way they weren't going to knock me out) and as soon as it hit my system I remember distinctively thinking "Now what in the heck was I so worried about?"

I've been put under a couple more times. I've had 2 surgeries on my leg (which I broke several years ago) and a colonoscopy. For the most part, the drugs are the definite high point of these happenings. The prep for the colonoscopy was almost worth it because the drugs they give you are soooo relaxing. You just feel like you're all wrapped up in a warm blanket. Or that you just smoked a huge bong.

Not that I'd know the first thing about that, of course.

I'm no junkie mind you. Actually, I'm clean as a whistle. But I'd never say that being put under doesn't feel pretty darned good. And it's legal!

So come the second week in February I'll be going in for arthroscopic surgery. It's outpatient, I'll be home by the afternoon and should only miss a few days of work so really, it shouldn't be too bad at all. And hopefully it will take care of this problem and I'll be able to get around like I always could. I'll be sure to give you all the gory details. Ooo, maybe even some pictures! :)

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