I figured I hadn't posted in a while, so I'll let you know whassup. Whassup you ask? Not much.
I caught a nasty cold that's settled in my head and its environs and it's not fun. I'm snot central right now, plus I have a persistent tickle in my throat that makes me clear it regularly, which I know must be annoying to my coworkers (yes I'm at work) because it sure as hell annoys me when one of them is doing it.
Let me backtrack for a second. Before anyone gets bent out of shape that I'm blogging while at work, I take essentially every lunch at my desk, during which we are allowed to do things like crosswords, email, etc. I used to go out to lunch regularly, but when some friends left I just stopped doing that, which is for the best and I think I've saved a buttload of money.
Anyway, so yeah, I have this cold. It's not the end of the world, it just sort of pisses me off. I made it through the whole of winter with nothing, and bam, here we are in March, first days of spring, and I'm sick.
I'm not sick enough to stay home, mind you. I usually don't stay home when I have something like this. If I'm bleeding out of my eyes or projectile vomiting I'll stay home. Even if I have a fever I'll stay home (because those things mess with my brain), but right now I feel relatively OK, my mind is clear, and I've got work to do. So, here I am.
On another note, I found out last night that what I'd hoped for for many, many years is going to happen. George Michael is touring the US!

I'll let that sink in for a minute.
Yes, I'm a George Michael fan, and I'll defend myself and him with gusto if anyone challenges his talent. I'm not a Wham fan, OK? I'm a George Michael fan. Not a huge fan, but I think he has a fantastic voice, he looks great, he can dance, his music is fun. So I'm going to try and go. Right now MKE isn't on his roster, but he'll be in Chicago. I do not care for going to shows in Chicago but a girl has to do what a girl has to do.
How, may you ask, does a punk-alterna-metal-indie fan like me become smitten with the likes of George Michael? Well, in a post from way back when I wrote a bit about my musical tastes and their vast range, and, well, that's where GM falls in. Back in college Wham was very big. I like their song Freedom but mostly I could take or leave them. Well, Careless Whisper is actually kind of good...and so is Everything She Wants...anyway, then Faith came out, and I don't care what anyone says, that album kicks butt. I used to go out to the bars dancing and I Want Your Sex was big. Then I remember once being in a store and Faith came on and a bunch of folks (myself included) all sang the "Baby!" part that comes after a pause toward the end of the song, and it was funny. It was just that kind of album, catchy, fun, and he sounds just fantastic.
I never listened to him much after Listen Without Prejudice (a highly underrated work) but I've always liked him and thought a lot of his talent. I don't care about the wanking in a public restroom, or his disputes with record companies or anything like that. The guy can sing. Nuff said.
Not much else is going on. WW is going very well. I weigh in tomorrow. Not quite sure what the scale is going to say then. It's been a bit of a week for me, being easter and all and I did indulge myself, but all within the program, thank you very much. So I consider that a success, whether I've lost weight or not.
I must sign off now. Back to whatever it is I do!
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