Thursday, March 6, 2008

I'm It!!!!

My buddy Alabaster Mom tagged me this morning, so seeing as I'm it I'd better get down to business. Thankfully I love this kind of thing, dating all the way back to probably grade school when you'd make up those personal quizzes and pass them around to all your little friends. Here goes.

10 years ago:

As luck would have it I happen to keep all my old monthly planners so I pulled the one out for 1998 and took a look. I was a busy girl! In addition to working full time I was a part time pet sitter for a very successful business. In the month of March I was booked solid, I'd forgotten how busy that job kept me. She moved her business to Delafield so that put an end to that. I used to have lunch every day with a couple guys who worked here, we always had so much fun. They both left but I still see them regularly. I'd moved into my very first house in late '97 and I was still adjusting to that, and loving every minute of it. So I'd say 10 years ago I was a busy, happy girl. OH, I was sharing my life with my very first dog too. Her name was Cassie and she was a little Boston terrier I'd gotten from Wisconsin BT rescue. I loved her to pieces, and I still think of her frequently, and I miss her so much. I can't describe how much I loved that dog.

5 Things on my To Do List Today Were:

1. Print off directions to Urs' house
2. Print off GABR girls' cell nos
3. Email the HF Group account rep
4. Reschedule my PT appointment
5. Charge my cell phone

Things I Would Do If I Were Suddenly a Billionnaire:

Billions hey? Then I'm shooting the works.

I'd say quit my job but actually I'd probably not officially quit, they'd just never see me again. I'd buy a new bigger house with a huge fenced in yard for my dogs (no more being a landlady!!!). I'd buy a horse. I'd endow the Companion Animal Resource and Adoption Center so that they'd never have to worry about money ever again and that more strays in Milwaukee county could be saved. Ditto to Green Acres Boxer Rescue, just replace "strays in Milwaukee county" with "boxers in Wisconsin."I'd set up a fund for my little nephew's college. I'd buy the biggest, best frickin television and DVD/High Def/Blu Ray whatever system you've ever seen. And a great stereo. And I'd have someone to do the housework for me because I'm just not a good housekeeper, and it will only get worse if I actually have a bigger house. I'd like to put properties on whatever land I happen to have my big house on so that my best friends could come live near me. And I'd want to travel.

3 of My Bad Habits:

1. Listening to my music too loudly
2. Hitting the snooze button so many times that it's lost all meaning
3. Picking at the cuticles of my thumbs

Jobs I've Had:

Telemarketer (sorry if I ever called you)
Cashier at a Godfather's Pizza restaurant
Salad runner at one of the dorms
Sales associate at Boston Store
Student assistant in the archives
Library staff person

5 Things People Don't Know About Me:

1. I was a champion speller in grade school
2. I despise Danny Kaye and therefore have never seen the movie "White Christmas"
3. I think Lawrencia Bembenek is probably innocent
4. I got to meet and spend time with one of my heroes, John Irving (author of World According to Garp and Cider House Rules; I have pics and everything)
5. I know and can sing along with every line of "Jesus Christ, Superstar."

OK, I have to tag some people...I'd say Sassy Sadie's Mom (or can she not be tagged twice, since Alabaster Mom beat me to it?), Green Bay Vegan (c'mon, you know you want to update your blog!! This is the best reason!), Amy and Darlene.

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