Monday, May 3, 2010


Wha happen'? How did I get here???

Bet you thought I was dead, right? If I've retained my reader, well, thank you for sticking it out.

See, what happened is that in November I was appointed to a task force at work. Everything after that is a blur. Well, that's not entirely true. But I was consumed here at work, with both my job and regular, lengthy and very intense meetings. I rarely logged into my computer at home, barely checked email, and essentially couldn't do anything too taxing at the risk of exploding my brain.

The task force completed its charge last week, so I've had a little time to think and reflect and feel normal.

One of the problems while doing the task force was the tremendous amount of stress. I don't say this lightly, amigos. I tend to handle stress well, not take things too seriously, put things into perspective. But this, this was different. I'm not going to go into details, the bottom line is this. We're going to be restructuring here, and it's up to the task force to plan it. May sound simple, but we are talking about evaluating the workflow and livelihood of over 20 people, some who have been doing the same thing (literally and figuratively) for over 25 years (the university is known for the longevity of its employees). I didn't want to be on this committee, I didn't volunteer. I was appointed and in no position to say no.

Anyway, it wasn't really a problem, just intense. Intense enough to invade my dreams (and if that happens, you KNOW you've got a problem).

How was my eating in all this, you ask? Not good. The meetings we had were fueled by caffeine and chocolate. I rarely made my own breakfast or lunch. I ate all the wrong things when I got home, in an effort to stuff all the stress and get it to shut the hell up, and in an effort to keep things simple.

Now, again, I didn't resort to my pre-WW behaviors in the area of drive through, or donuts. But that doesn't mean I ate well.

I did put on some weight. 25+ lbs or so. I can't lie. I WANT to lie, but I can't. But...I didn't stop going to my meetings. I faithfully attended, got on the scale (most weeks) and took my lumps.

Now that the TF is over, I've been able to evaluate, come down, calm myself. Last week I started to live like I normally would. First off, no meetings means no chocolate. It's not like I independently eat a ton of chocolate, but if you put it in front of me I'm going to eat it. AND, the TF was occurring during the BIG sweets times: Christmas, Valentine's and Easter. Lots of sales, lots of chocolate. AND, M and Ms are now available with pretzels. figure it out.

But last week, I started to get real. And this week, I AM real. Brought breakfast, made my own coffee, at home. Have a thermos of water right here. I have leftovers for dinner, I have a grocery list. I'll get there amigos. It was a rough, rough patch, I won't lie. But it was a patch, it wasn't the rest of my life. THIS is the rest of my life. So hopefully, starting this week, I'll be able to start posting losses, and I'll let you know when I get to that big 3 digit number again.

See ya!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Long time, eh?

Hey Amigos,

I haven't blogged in forever. Don't worry, I'm still here and I haven't gained all the weight back or anything like that. Still attending WW weekly (coming up on my 2nd anniversary), made it through the holidays in one piece, finished riding lessons for the time being (too cold) but will pick up in spring.

Not too much going on. I watched the 450th episode of the Simpsons last night, as well as the commemorative show that came on afterward. Bless that program. Even if it's not as good as it used to be it's still the best thing on television.

I started a "Hyp Yoga" class which combines hynosis and yoga to promote weight loss. I love it and can hardly wait to go back.

I did gain some weight back over the holidays. 12 lbs give or take a few ounces. I'm not happy about it, but this is also real life, so...I have to get over myself and keep moving forward. I'm happy to say that I'm on my 5th straight day of tracking (I didn't track at all from about the week before Christmas until, well, 5 days ago) and being on program, and there's no sign of stopping. I'm hoping I can chip away at that 12 pounds and post a loss this week (I'm feeling pretty positive about that, BTW).

Lots, LOTS of stuff going down at work. Nothing bad, just more work.

I can't promise when I'll be back to blog. Depends if I get a bee in my bonnet or not. I only seem to want to blog when I have an axe to grind!

Anyway, I'm doing well kids. I wasn't for a while there, but that's passed.

Oh, one thing, 2010 has been a strictly vegetarian year so far. I'm going to see if I can take it all the way.

See ya.