Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Horse Class!

Hey Amigos,

Did I tell you all that I was taking a class called "The Wonderful World of Horses"? I can't remember and I'm too lazy to go looking at older posts. ANYway, I had my second class last night, and we actually got to work with one of the horses, and I'm absolutely in LOVE with them, even more than I ever have been. Last night it was abundantly clear that horses are my thing.

Our instructor, Rosanne, had us simply move the horse, a beautiful red mare. First with just our words and body language, no reins or rope (we weren't ON the horse, this was strictly ground work). It didn't work for me at first. I was trying to get her to turn right and she just kept lifting her massive head over my puny one so I'd end up on her other side. So, I changed things up. I moved back a little and clucked my tongue at her and just generally started walking into her, and sure enough she turned for me. That was cool. Then Rosanne put a bridle on her with a rope attached. This time I was to hold the rope and make sure that she didn't move! I think that's a lot of what working with horses is. Getting them to go where you want, and getting them to stay out of where you don't!

This horse wanted to be near us, so she definitely wasn't just going to stand there. So as soon as I saw her begin to take a step I just put my hand up and said "No." Not loudly, but firmly. And sure enough, she was right at attention and stayed put. I think my work with dogs gave me just the right amount of firmness and assuredness. Not that working with dogs and horses is that similar. You need some of the same skills, it's the psychology of the animal that makes the difference.

Then I had to hold the rope with her next to me, and keep still while ensuring she didn't go anywhere. Not as easy as it sounds, but I did it.

I told Rosanne what was so hard is that what I really want to do is hug the horse! I haven't ever gotten that out of my system, I just want to walk up to them, put my arms around their neck and hug them and pet them, talk to them, hang out with them.

Yeah, I've got a problem. That little 8 year old girl who fell in love with Black Beauty and Misty of Chincoteague and Fury is still in me.

I have learned SO much in just these 2 classes. I won't go in to everything I've learned, it's just too much. Bottom line, I love it. The instructor is awesome, so knowledgeable, calm and patient. And the other 2 women in the class are so super nice. I thought I may have been at a disadvantage because they both know the owners (one woman's daughter is taking lessons; the other woman actually was taking lessons but suffered a fall and is slowly working her way back). But I've been welcomed with open arms and feel on equal footing with everyone.

I even have homework! I need to clip ads for horses for sale, because next week we're going to talk about actually purchasing and owning a horse. Not that I could ever do that, but it's all part of the process, and stuff that I should know.

Next week I'll be doing more actual hands on work, and I can hardly wait!

Not too much else is new. Doing well on the old weight loss front. I am very near a milestone and am hoping to blow past it this week. Think light thoughts amigos.


Alabaster Mom said...

I'm so happy you are following your dreams. Your skinny ass will be up on top of a horsey in no time!

Mary said...

Good luck on that milestone but sounds to me like you don't need any!!;) Sounds really neat what you are doing with the horse thing!! Ever since we were at some friends home when my kids were little and we were just standing next to a horse and that horse leaned forward and bit my sons upper arm I've had this awful fear of horses!! It was quite the bite too, very sore and bruised and every tooth mark was there!! The ony other contact I had with a horse is when I was about 16 we rode some horses and for the life of me I thought I was going to fall off and die so well.... I'm plain afraid of them!! I know that sounds a bit rediculous. Glad to know there is another side to them.;)