Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lost weekend

Hey Amigos,

Well, I ate to beat the band this weekend. I was very good during last week and got a lot of walking in. I've been doing well this week since yesterday. Saturday and Sunday? Not so much. It was the annual Green Acres girls weekend in Door County. Always a fun time, with copious amounts of home made goodies (to which I contributed).

I ate so much, amigos. I lost track. Vegan chocolate rice krispie bars (more than I care to remember...they're just addictive), peanut butter pie, chick pea cutlets (YUM), triscuits, salads, brownies. I've actually managed to forget some of the other things (food blackout?). I didn't count a single point. I'm totally OK with that.

2 of my buddies came to get me Sunday (the angels that they are--thanks Ladies!), so I got a bit of a workout in at the hotel fitness room. Then yesterday I took 2 walks at work and took the dogs out (individually) when I got home. So I've been clocking activity points all over the place. Have I clocked enough to burn everything I ate? I highly doubt it. A girl can't eat half of a peanut butter pie and expect it to come flying off her butt just because she gets a little walking in.

But, like I said, I'm OK with it. It made for a fun weekend. The only bad thing was that the weekend corresponded with an inexplicable sugar craving I had. It's completely left me now. Figures, hey?

We shall see if my DC trip is reflected in my weigh in on Thursday. I hope it isn't, of course, but i won't be surprised or defeated if it is. This is what life's all about. If I can't cut loose and indulge occasionally I don't think I could live with this plan.

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