Monday, November 19, 2007

My Latest Show

No, it's not a show I'm putting on, it's a show I've gotten into recently.

From the outside it would appear that I have incredibly juvenile taste in television shows. I'll be the first to admit I watch some weird stuff.

Let me give you some backstory. I'm a HUGE Space Ghost: Coast to Coast fan (and a Brak Show fan). So, that kind of got me started into the whole 15 minute cheap and funny cartoon programs. Oh, I love Beavis and Butthead too, so I guess maybe they started it. So as the years have gone by many other shows have been added to the genre, including Aqua Teen Hunger Force (LOVE that show), Squidbillies, South Park (to an extent), Family Guy. It turns out that I'm a big fan of silly, juvenile cartoon programs written by young (ish) men.

So lately I've been watching Metalocalypse. I'm not a metal fan, much. Every now and then I have a hankering for Metallica, or Guns n Roses or something, but it's not a regular indulgence. But this show is about a metal band, not so much the music. The name of the band is Deth Klok (which kills me). It is SO stupid and funny, surreal, bizarre. I like it so much I've dvr'd all upcoming episodes. So now I dvr ATHF, Squidbillies, Beavis and Butthead, and Metalocalypse. I know for a fact I don't in any way match their demographic. Statistically these shows attract a male crowd between 18 and 34. So what's a 42 year old woman doing watching???

Can't explain it, all I know is it's funny as hell. Like yesterday's episode; they hire a therapist to help them work through some issues. His name is Twinkletits. And let me explain to you, it's pronounced on the show as Twink-LET-its. See, that, to me, is hilarious. And one of the guys is named Murderface. And the lead singer is named Nathan Explosion. And that's not his stage name, that's his name.

This is sort of a pointless post. I just wanted to share my latest venture into television-land. No Two and a Half Men for me thanks. I've got tons of these 15 minute gems waiting for me. Not much investment and lots of laughs.

1 comment:

Drasch23 said...

Don't steal my shows dammit! I love Metalocalypse! I also loved Space Ghost tho as well and I liked when Brak sang about beans.