Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Top 25

Just for kicks I figured I'd clue you all in as to what my iPod says are my "Top 25 Most Played Songs." I don't personally know that I've listened to these all that much, but my iPod is a smart little bugger and I'm sure it's right, so I'll defer to its calculations.

The weird thing is that there are songs here that I honestly don't remember listening to that much. I like Gold Digger, it's a great song. But there are other Kanye songs I've listened to MUCH more than that ('Kanye's Workout Plan' anyone?). The same can be said for Bones of an Idol. Love it, but there are other NP songs I've played ad nauseum and they're not on here. How does my little iPod figure this out? Or am I forgetting to tell it something? No idea. Anyway.

Here goes:

1. "Silence Kit" Pavement
2. "Sieve Fisted Find" Fugazi
3. "Slo-Crostic" Fugazi
4. "Mojo Pin" Jeff Buckley
5. "Grace" Jeff Buckley
6. "Elevate Me Later" Pavement
7. "Phantasies" Stephen Malkmus
8. "Vague Space" Stephen Malkmus
9. "I Will Dare" The Replacements
10. "Buena" Morphine
11. "Jo Jo's Jacket" Stephen Malkmus
12. "Bones of an Idol" New Pornographers
13. "Troubbble (sic)" Stephen Malkmus
14. "Use It" New Pornographers
15. "Wake Up Mr. West" Kanye West
16. "Gold Digger" Kanye West
17. "Heard 'em Say" Kanye West
18. "Eternal Life" Jeff Buckley
19. "Pueblo" Pavement
20. "Honey" Morphine
21. "Spit on a Stranger" Pavement
22. "Waiting Room" Fugazi
23. "Margin Walker" Fugazi
24. "Suggestion" Fugazi
25. "Public Witness Program" Fugazi.

So...I like Fugazi. You got a problem with that?