Monday, January 5, 2009

Back at it!

Hey Amigos,

So, it's back the grind for my first full work week since December 1st.

Excuse me for a moment while I gain my composure.

All that sobbing doesn't go over so well around here.

Thankfully I'm easing in. No classes this week so things are still pretty low key here on campus. It's amazing how time marches on. We're starting the ever-loving spring semester next week, people. The holidays are over? Wha happen???

I have to say that I made startling progress during my time off. My home was just a-hummin' with me getting all organized and whatnot. I'm not entirely sure what possessed me, but I was, truly possessed. I actually think the soul of my mother somehow managed to inhabit her body and mine at the same time. I couldn't be stopped. I cleaned out every closet. I moved things in the kitchen so that I have more counter and cupboard space. I no longer have to keep baking implements in my stove. I went through every stitch of clothing I own, which resulted in two boxes of clothes for Goodwill and one box for the good people of the sanitation department.

I tossed chotchkie. I sorted a Tupperware canister set (that I never used...what was I thinking??? I'm one much flour could I possibly go through?) and put it in the nearly impossible to reach cabinets above my cupboards. The set is covered in dust, so I plan on taking it outside in the spring and hosing them down, then selling or donating them (it's an outdoor job, that's how much Tupperware there is in a canister set).

I cleared off my kitchen table to the point that I can actually do a jigsaw puzzle at it (and I am!).

I just kept thinking of things to do, and then doing them (going directly against my previous pattern of simply thinking of things to do).

After much self-reflection, I think I stumbled across why I did this. The weight loss is part of it, but really I was trying to make my space more livable. I was trying to simplify, to make the most of the space I have.

Instead of lamenting the fact that I need another room, I took a look around at the rooms that I had and worked with them. And lo and behold, I now have more than enough room!

Bottom line, I needed to simplify. After doing all this cleaning up and out, I came to understand that I really don't need anything. I have plenty of shoes. I have more clothes than I should. I have all the appliances I need. I have my cat boxes placed strategically so that they're not intrusive. I keep up after my pets and they remain a delight to live with. My tv works fine. My furniture is functional and cozy. I have a phone. Everything fits and I have nothing to add.

Do I ever wish I could have more space? Sure, you bet. Do I ever want more stuff/a better TV/better clothes? Sure. But I know that getting those things would just be a waste. I am perfectly content and happy with what I have, and I'll be happy to live here for many years to come, God willing.

It's a delicate balance of course. My whole house of cards could come tumbling down if someone gives me a casserole or something. But I'm hoping I can go with the flow.

I should take pictures of my wee shanty some day, and share with you. Believe me when I tell you it's wee. Very, very wee.

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