Tuesday, September 11, 2007

This and That...

Oh my gosh...I'm so miffed right now. I was in the middle of this great post. I shifted my hands and zap...there goes the whole thing.


It was great too. I recounted an incident that happened last week. I was getting my mail and a man walking by threatened my dog. When I questioned him about it, he proceeded to threaten my dog, and me. That's the short story.

In case you're wondering, my dog was on a leash. And in case you're wondering, this was not some crazy random person (those are the ones I run into when I'm at work, not at home). This was some young guy with a baby in a carrier, with a major chip on his shoulder who didn't like my dog.

There are more details but I just wrote them and then lost them and I don't feel like writing them again! Let me tell you though, it was scary. It was "This guy's going to get a gun and some friends and shoot my house up" scary. He scared the crap out of me.

I did call the police, who came by a couple hours later. They told me not to worry, etc.

Easier said than done.

I have so many questions about this whole incident. How can a person be so angry as to use horrible profanity with a complete stranger? What kind of person threatens an innocent animal who for all intents and purposes was virtually next to me? How does this person sleep at night? What gives him the right?

I am hard pressed to come up with answers, because this person's behavior doesn't really register with me. He may as well be a different species, that's how little I understand.

I understand being angry. I get angry. But I've learned over the years how to deal with my anger (unless you're a family member...sorry guys...but who can push your buttons better than family?).

But this person...there was such anger, venom, hatred in him. And here he is with a little baby to boot...and using profanity in front of his child...and threatening violence in front of her...and threatening me...what kind of man threatens a woman? Seriously?

It bothers me so much, because I go through life trying so hard to be good, and kind. I try to make people comfortable, happy. I try to make them laugh. I try to treat everyone fairly.

Then there's someone like this, occupying space in the world, doing bad things, and I'm guessing that he probably doesn't care in the least.

Kindness is its own reward, I'm aware, and for the most part I agree. I do think I'm in a better place than this pitiful man is, and probably happier...maybe. But sometimes that's not enough.

I just don't understand the mind of some people. Do they ever take into account the effects of their hateful gestures?

My guess is he probably doesn't even remember it happened. But I do.

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