Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hi All!

I'm such a friend Claudia (who was kind enough to check my site out!! I love ya for that babe!) gave me the kick in the rear that I needed to get out here and post. I've got a million of excuses but none of them are particularly good, so I won't bother. I WILL tell you what's been going down in my life.

My tenant of 10 years (and who lived in the other apartment of my duplex for 7 years before I bought the place) has been moved into assisted living. 2 weeks ago (to the day) she suffered some sort of attack or stroke (I can't seem to get a straight answer) and she hasn't been back, nor will she be. What a long convoluted story it is. She has no family here, so her niece and nephew who have POA came into town to settle some of her affairs. But they had to leave right away, so now her friends are getting things together for an estate sale, after which her place should be (ostensibly) empty. Unfortunately, that won't be until mid-October so I've got a while to wait before renting the place. It needs a TON of work: new paint, carpet, kitchen and bathroom floors, appliances. However, when all is said and done I should be able to charge a pretty penny for it. Nothing outrageous of course, I'm not a slumlord (can a duplex be considered a slum?), but definitely what I should be getting for the area.

Anyway, that whole scenario has preoccupied a lot of my time and thoughts, and will continue to do so until the new person, whoever that may be, is moved in there.

My allergies have been kicking my everloving butt. It's just been awful. Headaches, itchy watery eyes. My ears itch, my throat itches, my nose itches. My lips itch! This just isn't right.

I have been going to the gym faithfully, and I have to admit that i'm really enjoying it a lot. except when the place is too crowded, but that hasn't been the case lately, just now and then. I figured it out and it's a full 1/2 the distance for me to drive there than it was to drive to the YMCA, and i tell you, that's made a HUGE difference. I've gotten to doing 25 min on the treadmill (not very fast, 2.6 mph with a 1.5 incline), and I'm doing 3 reps of 10 each on the weights (I think I do 9 or 10 machines?). I've gotten down to a regular routine. I really do enjoy it a lot.

Yesterday my friend Therese and I went to the Pabst to see Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars It was great! They were so energetic and they played a wonderful show. Their story is so interesting and sad. But their music is full of hope and wit. the place was rocking, I tell you.

We've got 3 other shows coming up: Of Montreal, Spoon and The New Pornographers. I love the Pabst Theater!!!!! They've been booking some awesome acts.

I've been doing my usual stuff with the adoption center. OH, we had a fundraiser at Comedysportz on Friday. I'm not sure how much money we brought in, but it was so nice that they invited us. The show, though...well, I'm a tough audience, I'll admit...but it was just not funny. Too many jokes about poop and pubes and other such things. That stuff can be funny, but it's not inherently funny to me. Otherwise it was great to see the group and hang out with some of the other volunteers. Such a terrific bunch of people! We had dinner at La Fuente, it was OK. I had the bean tostadas, but once you've had BTs at Conejito's everything else just pales in comparison. The margaritas though, dang, man...those were strong. The guy set the pitcher down near me and you could smell the tequila. It was crazy!

So, tonight I'm going to go to the gym (even though I don't want to because my allergies are making me feel really bad, but I ate a box of Klondike bars last night and I should be punished). Then tomorrow I'm working half a day, then my mom and I are going to the zoo to see the stingray and koala exhibits (which both end this weekend!). Maybe she and I can go to a fish fry afterward....Hmm...that's a pretty good idea...

This weekend is going to be another busy one, starting with a haircut first thing on Saturday. Luckily with the fall the adoption center shifts have changed, and I'm not on the floor as much as I used to be (Thank goodness...working with the public wears thin after nearly 2 years!).

Gotta run, check back often! I promise to be better at updating.


0s0-Pa said...
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0s0-Pa said...

Is the adoption center you do stuff for I have a friend whose looking into that but wants to know a little more first.