Friday, September 12, 2008

"I feel like total #%@* Ferris"

Well, Amigos, in the midst of a horrific allergy season, I've caught a virus. How can I tell the difference? First of all, I have what is known in the...industry? field?...a 'productive' cough. This never happens as a result of my allergies. I do cough because of them, but allergy coughing is related to my asthma, and that's a spasm-y, wheezy, and dry non-productive cough. No, this coughing has been most productive. Also, I can't taste or smell anything, which always, without fail, happens around the middle of a cold. And I'm a snot factory, and not allergy snot. Nope, this is full on virus snot.

So, I have allergies and a nasty cold that I'm hoping doesn't get any worse because I'll just keep complaining then.

Aren't you happy you checked in?

I did attend the class yesterday and am now a voter registration deputy for the State of Wisconsin. I took an oath and everything. I went with my gentleman caller, and we actually had a really fun time. He took me to lunch and we discussed the fiasco that was Saturday night and all seems to be on the up and up. I feel better that I mentioned it and got it out there. And I think it was good for both of us. I'm not one to beleager something, especially if I feel the person is contrite, and he was. So, we're sort of moving slowly along. We did take an interesting step yesterday. He met several of my friends. The class was held on campus and we had time after lunch so I took him to my desk and showed him around where I work. I think he got the same feeling I get every day, the joy and fun of working in an academic setting. He even started talking about his desire to go back to school (honestly, it'll do that to you).

I have a pretty busy weekend. It's the annual Boxer Bash Saturday, which is always, always a good, fun and busy time. And I figure on Sunday I'll spend the whole day recuperating so that I can show up to work on Monday and not sound like I'm at death's door.

1 comment:

Mary said...

OK fine my dear....I know I'm not your mother (something to be very thankful for) but I don't want you settling for anything less than you deserve.;) Glad things are going better though!