Monday, August 4, 2008


I think maybe I need to stop being such a wuss and put some progress pictures of myself up here. I don't know. I haven't decided. As I'm sure my 2 readers have noticed, I'm not real big on the whole picture in the blog thing. I don't have a problem with pictures in a blog. I have a problem with pictures in MY blog. Or, that is, pictures of ME in my blog.

I used to love taking pictures and having my picture taken. But as the years passed I became increasingly unhappy with how I looked in any pictures that were taken of me, so I started to avoid them like the plague. There are very few pictures of me anywhere, by design.

But, maybe I need to grow a pair and just do it. It does seem to be the thing to do amongst my other WW bloggers. I mean, is losing weight really just about me, or do I want it to serve as an example, even inspiration, for others?

I do find reading their stories, seeing their pictures, finding out their numbers, to be incredibly inspiring. Am I so vain that I can't put myself out there?

I don't know what the deal about it is, but I think maybe I just need to do it.

Bless these folks, they're right out there telling their start weights and their progress, and I don't even have the cojones to do that.

Maybe I will amigos, some day. I think part of it right now is that I'm so trying to just lose, to just do the right thing, and not get hung up on numbers (because the numbers are daunting to say the least).

So, let's just say I've made the first step toward being a bit more revelatory on my blog. I've talked about it.

That's the most I can do right now.

1 comment:

Lucinda said...

I noticed your allusions to Fugazi, and that you listen to them. I just had to say something, they are definitely my favorite band of all time.

And Pavement is good too!

I never meet people who even know who they are, so you must be pretty awesome! = )