Friday, March 14, 2008

Weigh-in Number 3

Hey Amigos,

Well, the scales were in my favor at my WW meeting yesterday. I'm down 3.8 more pounds, for a total of 8.6 lbs lost.

I am indeed quite pleased, especially after the couple rough spots I encountered. I was able to indulge myself, within reason (except for the damn GS much would I have lost if those hadn't entered the picture!?) and still lost weight. I like this program.

I've found the key is having food at home that I like and that is good for me. I've taken to stocking up about once a week with enough stuff for all 3 meals daily, and enough fruit for snacks, plus the occasional WW treat.

Allow me to get my griping out of the way. This is terrible and self-defeating, but I have to figure out how to face up to it. I've got a shitload of weight to lose. I am very happy I lost, and will continue to do so, but it is a daily, minute by minute struggle not to think about it in terms of how much I need to lose.

I'm working on it, I'm working on it.

What I've been telling myself is that it's not a good enough reason to not do something. Either lose weight slowly, or stay where I am. I'm smart enough to know what option is the best one.

The meeting was just OK. We had a sub who was a bore, and there is this group of women who pretty much know it all and talk through the entire meeting AND interrupt others while they're sharing to tell everyone why what the person is suggesting wouldn't work for themselves. It's very negative energy and I don't like it.

I'm looking forward to another week on the program. I can tell I'm eating better. I physically feel better, and I can indeed tell that I've dropped weight. It's probably not noticeable to the naked eye, but it is noticeable to the naked me.

I'm meeting friends out tonight for a celebration. It's an interesting story. I've known Y for years, she used to work for me. As long as I've known her she's had her best friend, A, who's a feller. They have known each other for years, probably at least 10-15 years, have been roommates, travelled together. I've never thought of them as anything other than that.

Well, somewhere along the line things changed, and A proposed to Y yesterday. I guess I can't describe how weird that is to me! I'm so used to looking at them one way, like they're brother and sister, and now that's all changed up!

I am incredibly happy for them, of course. It's just going to take some getting used to!

Blogs get pretty personal, right? I have to admit something, then. I'm not much in the mood to celebrate the event. I don't know if it has to do with me and Jeff or what, but the thought of a wedding right now makes me want to puke. I'm sure I'll overcome it and be fine by tonight. I mean, I have bigger fish to fry than dealing with me feeling sorry for myself. It's just so hard sometimes, it really is, to keep my spirits up when I'm feeling so incredibly blue.

But don't worry about me, I'll get over it. Hell, I'm not even entirely sure what I'm feeling, really. I just got the blues, I guess.

Thankfully it's Friday, AND I'm off this afternoon, so, woo hoo!

1 comment:

Sassy Sadie's Mom said...

YEAH YEAH YEAH! Congrats on the losing. You are doing SO great! I am really happy for you....

Have a great weekend! Your Friend B